Reading Meditation: Earthing

Duration: 2 minutes 


Stop. Just slow down for a second. It is important that you read the following meditation slowly. Get present with these words and what they are saying to you - they're here to have a positive impact on you and your day.


Take a deep breath as you read this sentence, in through your nose...and out through your nose...take another just the same, right into your belly. Continue to breathe this way as you read on.


Bring your attention to whatever it is that is holding your weight at this moment...perhaps it is a chair, or a seat on a car or bus, maybe it's the floor underneath you as you stand in a queue or wait for someone. Just notice where it is connected to your body. Is it through your sit bones? Your feet? How stable is it with you on top of it? How supported do you feel by it? 


Continuing your deep belly breaths, move your attention beyond that which you're sitting or standing on, to whatever is underneath that. Is it the floor of a room? Is it moving wheels? How stable is it as a foundation? What else is it holding? Who else is it holding? Slowly now move your attention beyond that foundation to whatever is underneath that... mindfully passing through each layer, one at at a time, until you can feel your connection to the earth below you.


Once you're here, I'd like you to imagine that with each in-breath you're drawing energy up from it, and that with each out-breath you're grounding down into it. As you feel into the earth with each breath, ask yourself the same questions, how stable is it as a foundation? What else is it holding? Who else is it holding? Perhaps you're able to listen - what sound is it making? Can you hear its silence?


Stay here for three last deep belly breaths, in through your nose...and out through your nose...allowing yourself to feel nothing other than appreciation and love for this beautiful earth and the role it plays in your life, not just supporting you...but sustaining you, and providing endless beauty that you have permission to enjoy at any moment, of any day.


Once you have finished your breaths, come back to this earthmail. There is some content below that is designed to inspire you and to help you to invite more space, more calm and more flow into your life. 


Your challenge while you're in this earthmail: to continue your deep belly breathing as you read. 

Your challenge once you've out of this earthmail: to take a few minutes outside today, with the sole purpose of connecting again to the earth through your breath.

