Love Unlocked

the 100 day relationship revolution

Unlock a Vibrant and Connected Relationship and Learn the Secrets to Keeping it - without your Man’s Conscious Effort!

The Love Unlocked journey will help you go from feeling resentful and unsupported to grateful and excited about your future together. Using The 6 Intimacy Skills™, I’ll show you how to restore the connection, navigate challenges and relight the spark that was there when you first fell in love - all without needing your man to do a thing.


are you ready to feel more in love than ever?

You know it’s time to restore and revitalize your relationship. You want to trust this call but it’s scary because you’re worried that doing this without your partner will make you feel even more frustrated and resentful. 

You’re a happy, flirty and fun woman! But your relationship has you feeling exhausted and unsupported. The moment has come to relinquish control of what he’s doing and empower yourself knowing that you can create the woman and relationship you dream of - without needing him to do anything except react to your new vibe.

Imagine seamlessly adapting to each other's parenting styles and daily routines with ease rather than conflict.
Imagine having the tools to navigate any challenge without compromising the connection.
Imagine knowing that your partner is always looking for ways to make you happy.

It’s time to rekindle that feeling of peace and playfulness in your relationship again.
You deserve to feel loved and in love. 

Now is the time to embrace the power you have as a woman, to single handedly transform your relationship.

client love

Since being a part of Love Unlocked, the way I feel about my relationship has completely transformed. I used to wonder what life would be like without my partner, but now, that thought seems so crazy. I’m excited to come home every day, feeling deeply in love and excited about our future together. It’s been phenomenal to see how much I could change my relationship by staying true to these skills. Love Unlocked has truly given my relationship new life.
— Amanda (9 weeks into Love Unlocked)

does this sound familiar?

  • You feel like the only adult at home, busy taking care of everything from bedtime routines to bill payments, and it's exhausting. You're craving a real partnership where you don't have to do it all alone.

  • You're putting your self care on the back burner, and it's starting to show. You're running on empty, increasingly feeling resentful towards your partner for the imbalance. You desperately need some time to recharge but can’t seem to find it.

  • You miss those impromptu kisses and bum pats, not to mention amazing sex! Now, it feels like romance and intimacy have taken a backseat, and you're longing to bring that spark back.

  • You know you love him but catch yourself comparing your relationship to other couples. It’s hard not to when everyone seems so happy and you’re left doubting whether you made the right choice.

  • You want to create a peaceful, playful, and loving environment for your kids, but the tension keeps getting in the way. You're worried knowing their little eyes and ears are watching and listening to every disagreement. 

  • You roll away at night, wondering whether to bring “it” up again. Soon enough, the next disagreement spirals, everything is thrown in and the original point is a distant memory leaving you feeling stuck and disconnected.

  • You know your relationship can be so much better and you're just not sure how to make it happen…

I get it! I was all of the above not so long ago.

Would you believe me if I said you could turn this all around in 100 days?
It’s all possible inside Love Unlocked!

client love

I have noticed a significant difference in myself, my partner, and how I perceive my partner since trying out the Six Intimacy Skills. I am so blown away at how present my partner has become and what a capable leader he is for our family! As we look ahead to our wedding, I cannot wait to marry the man I have chosen and am grateful that I chose to INVEST in our relationship by signing up to Love Unlocked.
— steph (9 weeks into Love unlocked)

the Love Unlocked method

Create the vibrant and connected relationship you dream of in 100 days using the Love Love Unlocked Method.

The Love Unlocked Method empowers women to rejuvenate and strengthen their relationships, allowing them to wake up every day feeling confident and excited about their future. This process nurtures empowerment, connection, and resilience, with a unique focus on real-time support to quickly address arising challenges. You and your relationship are unique and this method honors that with deep customization, ensuring that each step you take is supported and impactful.

  • When couples attend therapy together, it often leads to focusing on each other's faults and a cycle of criticism and disrespect.

    Instead, we emphasize autonomy, empowering you to control what you can and enact immediate change. We believe you can take charge of your happiness, navigate relationship dynamics and respect your needs - without the influence of your partner.


    Prioritize Self Care: Understand how and why prioritizing self care makes you a ridiculously happy influence in your home.

    Manage Energy Investments: Learn the key distinctions between 'your paper' and 'his paper' to take control of your energetic contributions.

    Communicate Effectively: Master the art of expressing your desires clearly and positively, without resorting to nagging or complaining.

  • Waiting for your next session to address real-time problems can lead to exacerbation, resentment, and erosion of intimacy.

    We offer direct message support to ensure you receive prompt, tailored advice for your unique situation, empowering you to quickly bring issues into the light and redirect your energy towards fostering growth and positivity in your relationship.


    Prompt Resolution: Access support when issues arise, preventing them from worsening and quickly re-establishing connection.

    Free Your Energy: By resolving conflicts promptly, you can conserve emotional energy and focus on enriching your relationship.

    Tailored Guidance: Receive advice that is specifically adjusted to your needs ensuring effective solutions that resonate with your unique relationship.

  • Trying to fix their relationships alone has many women feeling isolated, uncertain and wondering if it would be easy to give up.

    Our community provides support, shared insights and celebration, ensuring each other’s progress. You’ll never hear 'just leave him' around here —this is a community of women who are as passionate about their relationship goals as you are. This is your space to find support and clarity before heading back into the real world!


    Interrupt Negative Patterns: Gain insights and clarity to disrupt negative cycles before they impact your real-life interactions.

    Leverage Collective Experience: Draw on the successes of other women to navigate and resolve your own relationship challenges effectively.

    Utilize a Supportive Space: Vent, find support, and thrive within a safe, non-judgmental environment filled with relationship cheerleaders.

  • Often, relationship fixes are temporary, leaving you unprepared for new challenges.

    We utilize Laura Doyle's Six Intimacy Skills™, a proven, repeatable toolkit that over 15,000 women have used to improve their relationships. This practical toolkit helps you confidently navigate the complexities of love and family life while effortlessly deepening connections.


    Evergreen Solutions: Arm yourself with a versatile toolkit that addresses not only today's relationship hurdles but also prepares you for future challenges.

    Daily Relationship Enhancement: Apply proven intimacy skills daily to consistently improve communication and deepen emotional connections with your partner.

    Self-Reliance in Relationship Management: Develop confidence and independence in managing relationship dynamics, equipped with the tools that ensure success over and over again.


what you get

inside your 100 days of Love Unlocked

Realign with our Monthly Vision Sessions, grow with Weekly Group Coaching calls, gain knowledge and experience of The 6 Intimacy Skills™ including Tools and Cheat Phrases, feel supported with Direct Message Support, and become part of an Inspired Community of empowered women dedicated to transforming their relationships.


Monthly Vision or Re-Vision Session

Start with a 60min Group Vision Session.

Define how you want to feel, ignite your motivation and get a clear focus for the 100 Days. You have the option to reconnect with your vision at the start of each month. 

(valued over 240usd)

Weekly Calls - With Live Coaching

Join our weekly 60-minute group calls.

Learn to navigate challenges using the Six Intimacy Skills™. Experience live coaching, never lose momentum and stay connected to the community.

(valued over 1400usd)

Private Facebook Community 

Join our Private Facebook Group 

Enter your haven of support and inspiration. A safe, non-judgmental space to feel supported, gain insights and celebrate your progress knowing we’re in this together.


…and, here’s what makes Love Unlocked really special

Direct Message Support

Message me any time for real time support. 

Imagine walking away from a conflict feeling deflated, wishing you had handled it better or seething because it seems like he's the problem. You can message me 24/7 and I’ll help you mend the situation and restore intimacy so that you can sleep peacefully that night. This immediate, personalized support means you're never alone in your relationship journey. Whether it's early morning thoughts or late-night worries, I'm here to provide compassionate advice and practical steps to turn those moments into opportunities for growth and deeper connection using The Six Intimacy Skills™.

Think of me as an on-call friend. Here to guide you every step of the way —except when I'm asleep, of course!

(valued over 550usd)

added extras

Bonus Group Coaching Calls
Join additional group coaching calls featuring guest coaches. These special sessions enhance your journey with fresh perspectives and expert guidance in mastering The Six Intimacy Skills™.

Complimentary Workshop
Enjoy free access to a live four-week workshop on The Six Intimacy Skills™. Scheduled at least once every 100-day cycle, this workshop deepens your understanding and application of the skills to transform your relationship.

Don’t spend another day wondering ‘is this as good as it’s going to get?' It’s not!


is today the day you start creating a relationship you love?

Love Unlocked enrollment process

Step One:
Apply Today

Start your journey by applying today. Share insights about you, your relationship, and your vision for the 100 Days. We’ll get in touch to book a call to discuss further and if it's a fit, get you enrolled in the group.

Step Two:
Join the Vision Session

New members start with a Vision Session, held on the first Monday of each month. This marks day one of your 100-days. From here gain access to weekly group calls, our private Facebook community, and DM support.

Step Three:
Dive In

Engage actively in the community and be willing to experiment with The 6 Intimacy Skills™. If you can take a consistent and openminded approach, you will quickly see your relationship vision starting to transform!

I can’t wait to see you in there!

try Love Unlocked risk-free

Investing in your relationship can be daunting, so here’s a promise to take away the risk.

Engage fully in Love Unlocked for 25 days, and if you don’t experience a significant shift in your relationship, we will refund 100% of your investment.

Our confidence in the power of our coaching and the proven strategies of 'The 6 Intimacy Skills™' ensures that if you dive deep, apply the insights, and actively participate in the community, you will see meaningful changes. If not, we will honor our commitment to your growth and happiness by refunding your investment in full.

So, what have you got to lose?

Ready to get started right away?


frequently asked questions

What happens during the Vision Sessions? . . .

Vision Sessions, held on the first Monday of each month, are the starting point for new members. These sessions help define and pursue your relationship vision, marking the start of your 100-day journey toward a more connected and joyful relationship.

What should I expect from the weekly group calls? . . .

Our weekly group calls deepen your understanding and application of The 6 Intimacy Skills™. Each call includes the opportunity for one member to receive one-on-one coaching in the "love seat," providing personalized support while fostering a nurturing environment where members share experiences and learn together.

What if I am not available for the first Monday Vision Session? . . .

If you miss the initial session, no worries—you can join any upcoming session that fits your schedule. Begin participating in the weekly calls and catch the next Vision Session at your convenience.

Can I get a refund if I am not satisfied with the program? . . .

Absolutely! We offer a 25-day money-back guarantee. If you actively participate and don’t see a significant shift in your relationship, you can request a full refund from our team.

What if I miss one of the weekly calls? . . .

If you miss a call, all weekly calls are recorded and available for replay on the member page of our website for two weeks, ensuring you can catch up at your convenience.

I feel too nervous to share my relationship challenges. . . .

Love Unlocked is capped at 20 members to maintain a safe and intimate setting. The shared vulnerability within this small group creates a supportive environment, helping members feel secure as they grow.

I really want to join but I can't afford it. . . .

We understand financial constraints and offer a payment plan divided into four installments of $440 each. If this is still challenging, please contact us. We're committed to making our program accessible and are open to discussing custom arrangements.

I'm overwhelmed by the weekly commitment. . . .

Each session is designed to stand alone, so you don't need to worry about falling behind. Access to session replays is provided, and taking breaks for implementation is encouraged, without any need to 'catch up'.

Who is Laura Doyle and what are the 6 Intimacy Skills™? . . .

Laura Doyle introduced the 6 Intimacy Skills™ in 2001, which have since revolutionized relationships for thousands of women. These skills—Self Care, Respect, Relinquishing Control, Receiving Graciously, Vulnerability, and Gratitude—are explored deeply in our program to transform any relationship challenge into an opportunity for greater intimacy.

Do I need to have read Laura Doyle's book(s) before I get started? . . .

While it’s helpful and recommended, it’s not necessary to have read Laura Doyle's books before starting. The books, especially The Empowered Wife, are highly recommended and available for purchase. However, you're welcome to join fresh and ask questions along the way. Everyone starts their journey from their unique place.

have another question?


the foundation: Laura Doyle’s Six Intimacy Skills™

At the heart of Love Unlocked lies our toolkit: Laura Doyle’s Six Intimacy Skills™. These are the cornerstone of every thriving relationship we nurture.

These skills provide practical exercises and ready-to-use phrases that empower you to manage any relationship challenge with ease and grace.

During my 12-month training with Laura and her team, I not only became an expert in these skills but also evolved into a dignified, respectful, fun, and flirty partner. Through my consistent experimentation with the skills, I gained a deep understanding and a wealth of real-life examples that I am excited to share with you.

As you master these skills, they transition from a toolkit into a way of life, ensuring you maintain deep intimacy and connection with fulfillment and ease.

I owe immense gratitude to Laura Doyle and these skills for not only transforming my own relationship but also for inspiring the foundation of Love Unlocked. Driven by a deep desire to help other women experience the same joy and connection, I invite you to embrace your journey. Become the happy and empowered woman you deserve to be, and start witnessing transformative changes within just 100 days.

Your path to feeling more in love than ever starts with Love Unlocked.


The Empowered Wife by Laura Doyle

need a copy of “the book”?

Looking for a lasting relationship manual? Laura Doyle's The Empowered Wife is the definitive guide every woman should have by her bedside.

This is more than just a book; it's the origin of The 6 Intimacy Skills™, crafted and published by Laura herself. By getting the book, you’ll not only learn the skills but also gain insights into practical applications right away. #1 of Amazon and a New York Times bestseller, this book has been published in 19 languages across 30 countries.

While The Empowered Wife provides the foundation, our program brings these skills to life through personalized support and community engagement.

Click here to grab your copy and make this your go-to "textbook" as you study the art of building a vibrant and connected relationship.

client love

Kayla has an undeniable passion to help people and as a result I would walk away from a call with Kayla feeling inspired and motivated. Her depth of knowledge brings a sense of calm to her coaching and she is so approachable! I never felt like any challenge was insurmountable. Kayla’s commitment to helping you achieve your dreams is really notable.
— vonny marsh