8 easy ways to invite nature into your everyday life

How to invite more connection with nature into your everyday life:

  1. Swap lunch at your desk for lunch outside

  2. Take your shoes off next time you're walking across a park

  3. Swap your phone screen for the bus window

  4. Spend some time alone in the water or bush and listen! You'll be surprised what you hear

  5. Set your alarm 20 mins earlier than usual and take a stroll outside (even better if you can do this before 6am – when it’s nice and quiet!)

  6. While you’re waiting for a friend, or a bus or a colleague, put the attention of all five senses onto something in nature. You will start to sense how still it is and in doing so, will invite the same stillness within you! (Inspired by Eckhart Tolle’s video from nature)

  7. Joe Dispenza talks extensively about how the emotions we have in response to our environments shape our physical state (from our mood, through to our DNA). I recommend that everyone has a ‘place’ in nature that evokes feelings of joy, wonderment and awe. Having a clear knowing of this place makes it much easier for you to start applying the discipline to actually get there. Especially if your home or work environments do not spark that for you!

  8. Check out the quick exercise below! 

STEP 1. Have a look out your window and choose one leaf, blade of grass or flower. Just one.

STEP 2. Stare at it for a second and then hold your awareness of it as you read through Step 3. 

STEP 3. While holding the awareness, consider the following questions:

how many sunrises and sunsets has it seen? | how many tides or storms? | how many times has a human stood on it or a bug chomped at it? | how many imperfections does it have? | does it need to shout to the other leaves to proclaim its importance? | does it need to bully other leaves and laugh at their imperfections? | is it standing there comparing itself to another? | is the fluffy flower wishing it was a blade of grass OR a blade of grass wishing it was a fluffy flower? 

Whatever you're observing, you should now be aware that without a mind, nature lives in a constant state of acceptance and beauty - no matter what its circumstance.

Remember that you’re made of the same ‘stuff’ as nature (you can read more about that here) which means that you to, can find that state.

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Four important lessons from nature