e(arth)mail - invest your energy in the NOW
Imagine your whole life as a timeline from the day you were born right through to the day you are going to pass.
Now, if I gave you 100 tokens that represented your emotional energy, and I asked you to place them along the timeline wherever your attention is, how many tokens do you think you would have left to invest in the Now?
As James Redfield said, “where attention goes, energy flows” and the problem with that is that we humans have developed a worryingly strong tendency to invest our attention, and therefore our energy, anywhere except the present moment.
Why is the present moment important?
Because only in the present moment can thought become experience.
Our experience reflects our ability to squeeze the juice out of life! To express ourselves authentically and confidently, to build meaningful and fulfilling relationships, to be of service to others, to have appreciation and reverence for mother nature and to live with excitement and inspired purpose.
It’s about having energy available to accept the hard moments with ease and grace and the good times with awe and gratitude.
As we get older, we start to get hung up on the “what if’s”: the ‘what if this did/didn’t happen?’ which keeps us stuck in the past and the ‘what if this does/doesn’t happen?’ which keeps us stuck in the future. (Be aware that the gap between Now and the past is where depression resides and the gap between Now and the future is the home of anxiety so if you’re feeling either of those, start looking at where you are placing your attention). Once we realise this about ourselves, our goal must be to free energy from the past and future and instead, invest it in the Now.
Here are some simple suggestions on how to do that:
1. Say an affirmation like this to yourself every morning: “when I am present, I am free to create the life I most want”
2. Generate the FEELING of gratitude daily (making lists with the mind is not enough!)
3. Visualisation to release the past: close your eyes and hold your hands out as an invisible bowl; fill your bowl with the memories that you know you need to let go of, good or bad; let them flow in and as you do, start to notice the weight of them in your hands; when you’re ready, throw them over your shoulder and say “I am free of my past”
4. Get barefoot in nature, the negative charge of the earth will balance you
5. Choose acceptance over resistance and move through life knowing that everything is all part of your own perfectly unique and beautiful story.
For support freeing yourself from your past, or clearing anxiety about the future, check out my Walk n Talk offering - one off coaching sessions in nature that help you find clarity, take responsibility, realign and come up with a plan of action to take you forward!